Today we are discussing limiting beliefs and how they love to take over your life, your business, your relationships – and everything else!
The big question is: Why do they develop, and more importantly, how can you break free of them?
What Are Limiting Beliefs?
Limiting beliefs are like invisible brick walls in your mind. They tell you what’s not possible and keep you from chasing your dreams.
They whisper things like, “I’m not good enough,” or “I can’t do that.”
And here’s the thing – most of the time, you don’t even realise they’re “driving the bus”!
Where Do Limiting Beliefs Come From?
Past Experiences:
One bad experience can make your brain say, “Nope, let’s avoid that forever.” Even if it was just a one-time thing!
Societal Conditioning:
If you’ve ever been told you “should” or “shouldn’t” do something based on who you are or where you come from, then yep, that’ll do it.
Childhood Messages:
Ages 0-7 are when your mind is wide open, and it accepts everything as truth. Anything you hear from your parents or primary caregivers – especially about money, success, or worthiness – gets absorbed as truth.
How Do Limiting Beliefs Show Up?
Negative Self-Talk:
That inner critic loves to say things like, “I’m not smart enough” or “I can’t do what she’s doing because [insert excuse here]”.
You avoid doing the things that might lead to failure (or, gasp, success!).
Accepting less than you deserve because you believe there’s nothing better out there.
How to Break Free From Limiting Beliefs
1. Admit You’re Stuck
The first step? Recognise that you’re in a rut. There’s no shame in admitting it – it’s actually empowering.
2. Notice the Patterns
Pay attention to those recurring negative thoughts. Write them down. Awareness is key.
3. Ditch the “I Can’t” Mentality
When you hear yourself saying, “I can’t,” ask, “Why not?” What’s the worst that could happen?
4. Reframe “I Can’t” to “I’m Learning”
Switch it up. Instead of saying, “I can’t write content,” say, “I’m learning how to write engaging content.”
5. Act “As If”
Pretend you’ve already smashed your goals. How would “Future You” act? Do that now, even in small ways.
6. Declutter Your Space
Clearing physical clutter clears mental and energetic clutter too. Start with that desk, drawer, or wardrobe.
7. Practice Daily Gratitude
Write down 5 things you’re grateful for each day. Gratitude raises your energetic frequency and attracts more good stuff.
8. Take Aligned Action
Small steps, big shifts. Align your actions with your goals and your soul. Progress, not perfection.
9. Celebrate Your Wins
Big or small, celebrate them all! Each win adds positive momentum.
10. Trust the Process
Success is often just on the other side of chaos. Keep going, even when it feels messy.
Next Steps
Breaking free from limiting beliefs isn’t a quick-fix, but it’s totally possible for you. And if you want to speed things up (and who doesn’t?), I can help you dig deep and clear those limiting beliefs for good.
Learn how to align yourself with success by signing up for the Aligned Abundance Breakthrough!
Let’s knock down those brick walls and get you aligned with abundance!
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